And now for an account of real events that matched the frequency this month revealed for me (137). Believe it or not, this isn’t even the half of it; these are the briefest glimpse into what has unfolded this past month. I hope you love it.
We discover a slew of Original Frequencies, including Personal Day Signatures, Soulmate Signatures, the Avatar Number, the Earth Star Frequency, and the Birthright Abundance Number.
We migrate, consolidate, and update multiple programs from the Timothy Brainard website to The 64 Angels, completing presentations for the New Seer Training, the New Crystal Self, and the New Mineral Allies.
After months (and years) of hoping this might happen, we connect important dots between the Angels + the Mineral Allies. Every Angel matches to an Ally, and the Angel Index upgrades once again!
Our shared love of crystals reawakens with a vigor! We unearth longstanding favorites we’ve had packed away for ages. We surround ourselves with awesome Crystal Friends!
We welcome three new (awesome) crystals to our home: a Tanzanian Sunstone, a Brazilian Blue Topaz, and a stunning palm stone Moonstone (for my Lara).
We host our first-ever call of the New Seer Training: meeting with a very special friend. It feels as wonderful as any of us could have hoped it would.
The entire Liberated Tarot presentation is updated to present the new addition of our Angel-Ally pairings. We immediately benefit from this.
We (finally) complete the printable transcript for our 11th Angel Session + present it for free download on our website.
We upgrade our computers to a pair of matching MacBook Airs (which we name Midnight + Starlight).
We add (just shy of) 10,000 new entries to the Words Table.
As if all this were not enough, our life has become richer in all ways. Financially, relationally, spiritually: we are different now than we were at the start of this outstanding month.
And now we look ahead to all-new numbers, all-new stories - an expanded life.
To join us, you will need a Lightyear Ledger. (We want this for every one of you!) Order yours below + join the fun.