Mineral Allies produces a Personal Blueprint of your most significant mineral connections using a system of frequency pairing to match stones, crystals, fossils, metals, and meteorites to nine prominent positions on your numerological map.
On perhaps the most fundamental level, everything that we ever see or experience in life exists in an active state of vibration. Everything: even those things in our experience that appear to us as being set in place, solid, stable, or unchanging. Given adequate methods of testing or observation, these vibratory states can be calculated, witnessed, and verified. We refer to this vibration as subtle energy. We refer to the measurement of its effect as frequency.
Frequency describes the nature of some unique vibration. It represents an energetic signature: the exact expression of that energy. Perhaps the most significant way of communicating frequency is through symbol. Our most common symbols are words + letters. Prior to these, humans communicated using imagery + shape. But prior even to imagery + shape, there was the “language” of pure number.
Numbers are what all shapes + symbols (including letters) ultimately represent. Believe it or not, numbers themselves represent the original language of subtle energy. We refer to the study of frequency through numbers as numerology. Numerology is the oldest system of communicating patterns known to man.
So to recap: everything in life is emitting subtle energetic frequencies, and numbers help us to understand the quality of those frequencies.
You are no exception to this principle of vibration. As a matter of fact: you are an exquisitely complex miracle of frequency + biology yourself: continually radiating subtle energy in many forms, producing an energetic signature of your own. We refer to this signature as your energy body, subtle body, or your aura. It is made up of countless layers of frequency ranging from very subtle to very dense: all vibrating together all-at-once in the incomparable universe of you.
Another word for frequency is tone. Another word for tone is note. Imagine your life like a symphony of instruments, each one sounding some specific note, all notes adding up to the specific orchestra that is you. Numerology is one means of discerning what some of your most important notes in life might “sound like.” Which is to say that it reveals those frequencies most relevant for you + your experience.
Using numerology, we can learn a lot about those frequencies + why they matter for you: encountering first-hand the special flavor of your life + what it means. Mineral Allies uses a special system of numbers called Mystical Numerology to draft a map of nine distinct positions based on your personal signature.
These positions speak to your:
Life Purpose
Soul Purpose
Integrated Self
Inner Urge
Life Path
Major Challenge
Major Attainment
Before the existence of what we now refer to as science, humans cultivated meaningful relationships with Nature. They didn’t just study or dissect it: they connected to it, learned from it, depended upon it, spoke with it, and revered it. Among the many teachers available to early humans, the Stone People or Stone Beings of the Mineral Kingdom were some of the most prominent. In fact, minerals represent one of the very oldest of all human relationships with Nature.
Amazingly, minerals vibrate, too. Despite being the very epitome of “solid matter,” the essence of stone is vibrational, just like everything else in life + nature. This means that every mineral has a song to sing as well. Even more amazingly, the unique frequencies of specific stones, crystals, fossils, metals, and even meteorites can be calculated using the same system of numerology that we discussed above.
Mineral Allies pierces the veil of modern arrogance to recall a time of close relationship with Nature. It remembers the inherent value of these special gifts of earth + stone. Most importantly, Mineral Allies invites you to experience the benefit of these gifts as your teachers + companions, medicine + magic, willing tools.
If everything is energy, then the universe is an ocean of continual exchange: a tapestry of energies interacting, without end. But what about the quality of exchange? Because, though some notes come together to make music, others clash, producing only noise.
Perhaps our greatest opportunity in life is to align ourselves with frequencies + stories, themes + possibilities that pair beneficially with our own: that beautify, uplift, and resource us - achieving resonance - reproducing life.
Resonance, then, is what we’re after: that phenomenon of frequency interaction whereby matching “notes” improve + amplify the value of each other. All of life is built upon this miracle of harmony + song.
Mineral Allies introduces those particular stones, crystals, fossils, metals, and meteorites most likely to match the specific frequencies of your important story.
These Allies will instruct, empower, and support you. They will shine a light on your light. They will strengthen + improve the song of you.
Mineral Allies taps a (growing) database of more than 1,000 unique mineral frequencies to produce a Personal Blueprint that matches significant mineral connections to nine primary positions on your numerological map.
Full First Name
Full Middle Name
Full Last Name
Birth Date