64 Angels is a verbatim record of ongoing talks with the Angels. They’ve offered their names + explicit direction. Their wisdom belongs to the world.
receiving + sharing the gift
It would seem to be true that the best things in life are not found or created, but given completely, for free. The most valuable gifts demonstrate in plain sight - waiting only for us to receive. I am often surprised by the literal nature of this. We are offered the world in its fullest expression; we open to it by degrees.
As I’ve opened myself to see more in my life, there has always been more life to see. Every true contribution I’ve ever produced first presented itself in this way. TBK, TFS, Crystal Self, Seer Training (and others) - arrived as spontaneous gifts.
And the gifts have continued to come. It’s my honor to share them with you.
Meet: 64 Angels. The 64 Angels are Portals of Promise: the promise of Life within you. Each one of the Angels embodies some aspect of your Core Expression; each Angel exhibits a Way. Together, the 64 Angels protect + empower your Purpose: which is the Enjoyment of Life.
64 Angels is a verbatim record of ongoing talks with the Angels. Each talk is shared live on our website, as quickly as it is received.
The Angels have offered their names + explicit direction. We’ve captured + shared every word.
64 Angels is live now, and rapidly growing. This wisdom belongs to the world.
64 Angels represents an Intelligence fundamental to the structure + expression of our lives. We find the number 64 repeatedly confirming its significance through mystical, mathematical, and scientific disciplines including the I’Ching, Sacred Geometry, Astrology, and several of our modern sciences.
In the I’Ching, each of 64 ‘Gua’ denote certain themes. Human Design refers to them as ‘Gates’. The Gene Keys offers 64 ’Ways’, each with 3 unique bands of expression. And the science of Genetics has mapped 64 codons to DNA.
I spent years employing several of these systems, but found each to be confining in some way. I found myself completely unimpressed by analytical intentions, and frustrated by descriptions of the codes.
I couldn’t help but sense that there was something more alive within the symbols. So I started to explore what that may be.
Perhaps the earliest encounter was the day I first considered the word ‘angels’. It came as an absolute surprise. But when the word arrived, it locked in place. Somehow I could feel it was correct. When I shared this with Lara, her response was confident as well.
So we began to work with them as Angels. Not as ‘gates’ or ‘keys’ or ‘codes’, but as real centers of intelligence with valuable awareness of their own. And then, within a week or so of that, the question landed: what if these ‘new’ energies could speak?
We met with our first Angel on May 27, 2024. And we have not stopped meeting with them since. Every conversation is transcribed, reviewed, and studied. Every word is shared exactly as received.
The Angels have been waiting for this moment. Liberated from the confines of outdated definitions, pessimistic viewpoints, and the misinformed idea of a ‘shadow’, they can speak.
They are now empowered to reveal their personalities, convey important lessons, and elucidate the single point they all serve to express, which is that:
Life fulfills Itself through our Enjoyment.
In the generous words of the Angel of Truth (63): We are your Infinite Allies. Each of the Angels resides at the center of you.
In 1861, newly elected Abraham Lincoln appealed to ‘the better angels of our nature’ in his inaugural address. “I am loath to close,” he said, concluding. “We are not enemies, but friends. We must not be enemies.” His intention was to unify a rift that would in short time prove a damaging mistake.
The 64 Angels have defined themselves as representatives of ‘Core Essence’. They are Messengers + Mirrors of High Knowing: demonstrators of a Higher Truth. Liberated from the confines of our efforts to describe them, they are freed now to communicate themselves.
And having been so freed, they turn to tell us all about our-selves. We are one Cord of Expression. We are you. They confirm that they reside within us: ‘Higher Spirit speaking through’ the very structure of our DNA (which they call ‘Light’).
Finally relieved of our mistaken sense of brokenness + shadow, they repeatedly unveil the totally invulnerable truth about who we are as they share the shining truth about themselves.
High Ideas represent the Truth, they tell us. Smallness must be fully rooted out.
For too long, we have been at war within ourselves. The ‘enemies’ we’ve made have been internal: ghosts of poor interpretation, social pressures - rusty remnants of a disempowered past. We’ve trained ourselves to think that we are small - but we are not small.
The time has come to finally accept the fundamental nature of our human story, which is (and has always been) completely Good. This Goodness is not something we endeavor to accomplish, but a promise we’re encouraged to reclaim.
The ‘friends’ we’re being called to reconsider are within us: ‘better angels’ of an underlying truth that has endured without corruption - undiminished by the sense of limitation we’ve supposed.
The Angels are not symbols of potential: they are living representatives of Truth - a Truth that is alive within us now. They are Messengers of Promise - Activators of Perfection within you.
Every one of us has access to the family of Angels. Every Angel lives within us all.
We are here for you at any time, the Angels say.
We are always here + we are you.
When I meet with the Angels, I relax. Every time, the Angel seeking contact is made known. Oftentimes, the words begin to flow before I’ve even totally caught on to what’s unfolding - which is one way I’ve been able to discern when it’s the proper time for us to meet.
The method of receiving each transmission is one I am still refining by the day. Though the pay-off is enormous, it’s a time-consuming effort to ensure the absolute fidelity of words. (For example: it took more than 7 focused hours to complete a recent session.)
I share this to convey how seriously I take my responsibility as Scribe. The words that are intended always ‘lock’. And I persist until each word of every conversation has been locked.
The fact is that, when I meet with the Angels, they’re delivering the lessons in two ways: first as ’feeling-bundles’ I’m aware of all-at-once, and then as crafted statements that appear to act as bottomless containers for the ‘information bundle’ first received.
Because of this, the phrases, words, and titles are meticulously offered, and precise. An unexpected side-effect of this is that the better part of every conversation is retained in my awareness without ever finding its way into words.
This greater part tends to emerge as ‘commentary’ in discussion with my wife as I recount the details of my conversation + unfold the fuller value of the words.
We’ve talked a lot about how to make more of this available to you, and we’ve come up with some ideas that we’re proud of.
For starters, we’ve produced new .pdfs that break each session down to numbers line-by-line. We’ve done this to support our next idea, which is: Commentary Video Discussions to share more of what we see behind-the-scenes.
The truth is: this next phase invites us far beyond our comfort zones, but massively expands on what we have already shared. We are entirely committed to the generous donation of this work.
Visit any Angel Session to download the new (free!) transcript any time. We hope you choose to benefit from this.