The Frequency Tables are a sortable record of extensive numerological research that function as a codex for the messages which Life is constantly delivering to us.
When I first encountered Mystical Numerology back in August of 2021, I knew I had discovered something special. Having studied numerology in-depth for upwards of a decade at that point, it was a thrill to find a take on this important subject that felt totally original, absolutely resonant, and new.
It wasn’t long before my other numerology materials were totally replaced by this one book. I devoted myself to the application of its method, and even became friends with its creator (John B. Pehrson) - who remains an inspiration to this day.
John’s groundbreaking work has changed my life. It helped me see the world in all-new ways. It opened me to messages I didn’t even know the Universe was sending until then.
Early in my application of John’s method, I made use of basic spreadsheets to contain the information I was gathering each day. I calculated frequencies of everything I cared the most about: words + names + phrases; animals + minerals; household items, places, food, and more.
This way of meeting life through frequency + number became absolutely prominent for me. My research grew + grew, and hasn’t stopped. The spreadsheets I initiated all that time ago are now a living record of my work.
The Tables have inspired new ideas, helped me navigate significant events, and expanded my awareness of Life’s signs. They have permitted higher vision, and enriched my life in countless special ways.
My wife + I still use these Tables daily; and because of her suggestion, I am proud to share them publicly, with you.
There are a total of four Frequency Tables, including: WORD Frequencies, STONE Frequencies, ANIMAL Frequencies, and TAROT Frequencies.
Each of them is sortable + searchable, and all have now been added to this website - yours to use completely free of charge.
The Frequency Tables are a sortable record of numerological research I have carefully compiled over the past several years (and continue to expand on by the day). These Tables correlate a wide range of subjects to specific energies (or frequencies) using pioneering methods of numerological calculation developed by John Pehrson + presented in his book, Mystical Numerology (my all-time favorite resource on the subject to this day).
The Tables are organized by Exact Frequency, Number Frequency, Subject, and Category. Each can be sorted + re-sorted by any of these headings, and each is fully searchable as well.
The Exact Frequency of any word or subject can be found under the FREQUENCY header of any Table. This is a highly specific energy + represents the most prominent, most personal, and most powerful expression of any word or phrase.
The NUMBER Frequency is often referred to as a ‘reduced number’ frequency + provides a more general sense of common qualities or themes. It reveals a far more comprehensive batch of correlations to explore.
There are a total of four Frequency Tables that my wife + I continue to make use of every day. Each of these has now been made available for public use:
WORDS | This table currently includes more than 30,000 words + phrases that I consider beautiful, uplifting, or delicious. Only words that feel good are allowed! (More are being added by the day.)
STONES | Welcome to the home of Mineral Allies. This table includes over 1000 different crystals, fossils, metals, stones, and more. I refer to this same list in order to assemble MA Blueprints.
ANIMALS | This table includes hundreds of animals from all around the world. Most common animals have been added by their common names. (This will be expanded over time.)
TAROT | This table includes all 78 cards of the traditional tarot deck, along with frequencies for special variations found in each of my most-referenced tarot systems.
Explore any Table by searching for a word or subject of your choice. Or sort by any number to discover correlations between subjects!
The Frequency Tables present an opportunity to enter into dialogue with Life. They function as a codex for the messages which Life is constantly delivering to us. Using them creatively develops our awareness of the underlying generosity that is the very basis of existence + refines our inner sense of that same Good.
The fact is that we’re shown the things we will most benefit from seeing all the time. Our role is to take note of what is shown. In order to accomplish this, we must develop a capacity for seeing past the surface of our lives. We must become attuned to deeper truth.
As our ability to recognize Life’s magic is increased, we find ourselves intuitively guided into resonance with everything we’ve always most-enjoyed. (The more we see, the more there is to see.) As we permit this process, we expand.
Here are some simple ways that Lara + I use the Tables to develop our own magical awareness every day.
WORD FREQUENCIES | Pay attention to the numbers you encounter in your world. Pay special attention to repeating numbers. And to numbers you have ‘always loved.’ Sort the Words Table by Frequency to explore what hidden messages these numbers are attempting to transmit.
STONE FREQUENCIES | Review your favorite numbers to reveal which mineral companions are a match. Learn as much as possible about each one. OR: Search for a favorite stone, and then refer back to the Words Table to explore what it may want for you to know.
ANIMAL FREQUENCIES | Search for a favorite animal. Note its exact frequency, and then return to the Words Table to uncover hidden messages or meanings it may have been wanting to communicate to you.
TAROT FREQUENCIES | Pull a card. Search for the card by name. Note its frequency. Return to the Words Table to reveal the hidden messages + meanings it’s attempting to convey.
This is, of course, a basic introduction to the Tables. Their ultimate usefulness in application can extend as far as you imagination will allow!
The Frequency Tables have been a central part of my personal life since 2021, and a regular contributor to my experience with Lara from the start. Not only is each Table packed with potent information, but the different Tables also interact: cross-referencing them yields enormous insight. Here’s one example of how Lara + I used them during one of our most special days together.
Shortly after waking on September 21 (of 2023), Lara + I pulled a tarot card just like we do each day. The card that came to join us was The World card. Because of our work with the Frequency Tables, we knew that The World card corresponded to the number 21 - which also ‘happened’ to be the frequency of the day!
We then used this frequency to explore the corresponding words in our Words Table. We found that Beautify, Guidance, Money, Play, and Wed all resonate at the frequency of number 21. (Later that same day, we learn that My One shares the frequency of 21 as well.)
Next, we researched the asteroids which corresponded to The World card’s astrological association. Here we discovered a beautiful asteroid named: Lovelock. Its official reference number is: 51663. Amazingly, this too adds up to number 21!
We thrilled at having found this wonderful new word (and add it to our Table right away). It reminded us of our ‘locking tetrahedrons’ - an important symbol Lara introduced me to that represents the union of our hearts.
(Lara later draws them as a pair of interlocking triangles which we will have tattooed on our left wrists in February 2024.)
At this point, we had yet to leave the house. Little did we know how relevant these words + symbols would become throughout the day…
That afternoon, we went on an adventure to a local shop in search of crystals. Much to our surprise, we found a pair of wedding bands instead! The rings were made of interlocking triangles in Turquoise. We knew they were perfect right away. (Later, we discovered there were 16 crystal triangles per ring. The number 16 resonates to Home.)
The elderly cashier prepared a handwritten receipt for our new rings. Unknowingly, he wrote the next day’s date: 9/22. The number 22 was no mistake. It resonates to: Joyous, Rich, and Union. Also: Wife.
Stepping outside, I propose to Lara right away. She accepts + we exchange our rings. When we look at the time, the number 2:22 is shining back at us. We are amazed!
(February 22 of 2024 (2.22) eventually becomes our legal wedding day - another synchronicity we cannot help but marvel over now.)
Driving home, we referenced the Stones Table to confirm that Turquoise is a 58. We used that to search the Words Table as well. Celebrating, Reverence, Vitality, and more are perfect matches.
(Hilariously, it will be another several months before we come to find that Brainards is a match to 58 as well!)
Looking back on this important day, it’s easy to connect the magic dots. The many synchronicities were guiding us in just the way they always have + truly always will. The way we used these Tables to decode the guidance that was being offered helped us navigate the day with open hearts.
The fact is that we managed to ‘decode’ them based on the same Tables we have shared with you + an authentic willingness to look. Now that you have access to the Tables, train yourself to recognize the signs.
This may take some practice, but the view is absolutely worth the climb.
For those of you inspired by this story, Seer Training is home base for learning to meet life through ‘magic eyes.’
To learn more, click below or contact me directly any time.
In The Forgotten Sense, we learn about how the orientation of our attention directly affects the quality of our experience in life. We also learn about how each of us has been equipped to navigate the differences between those actions + ideas that expand us vs. those which tend to leave us feeling small. We learn to think in terms of RED + GREEN, where Red refers to energies that limit + deplete us, whereas Green refers to energies which beautify, inspire, and expand. We learn that Red means STOP + Green means GO (since Red produces discord + frustration, while Green results in harmony + growth).
In Seer Training, we put all of these ideas into practice through a single-minded emphasis on Truth. We learn that underlying Truth is always life-supportive, generous, and good. We learn that Life produces more life without end, that everything that happens happens for us, and that each of us is capable of living up to + beyond the best ideas we could ever have. Finally: we learn that only good exists, and that it’s possible to validate this claim in real-life ways.
With the Frequency Tables we can demonstrate the best of what both programs have to offer. From the start, I built them to support a higher view of life in light of Truth. The Words Table is my favorite example of this - one that I make use of every day. There is a reason you’ll find Heaven, but no ‘hell’; God + Good + Perfect, but no sign of ‘devil,’ or of ‘evil,’ or of ‘sin.’ This is absolutely by design - and remains one of the most important things I’ve ever done.
The Tables have been scrubbed of limitation, hopelessness, and fear. Their frequencies are totally empowered: safe to use. The fact is that Life’s language is exclusively affirmative, which means that every message it delivers must be guidance toward some beneficial end.
This means that every sign must be a good sign, and the Tables help illuminate that view.
The Frequency Tables are intended to support the work of Seer Training: an important opportunity to prove that when we orient toward Beauty, life expands.
Learn more about Seer Training or apply to join the program here:
In the Crystal Self experience, we learn about how to synthesize the values of number frequencies with tarot archetypes, totem animals, developmental stages (and much more) in order to establish an expanded sense of who we are (and get to be) right now. This larger view of self permits a wider receptivity to everything we value most in life. Amazingly, we can learn to use these figurative symbols in creative ways that yield pragmatic benefits each day.
The tarot represents a powerful example of this effort. Traditional interpretations of the tarot tend toward fatalistic messaging - a factor I have never felt quite right about myself. In the Crystal Self, we learn to weed out unproductive energies like this, which is a major step in its own right; but it was not until I built the Tarot Table that the next important step revealed itself.
Using the Frequency Tables, we can disentangle ourselves from adverse interpretations + begin to draft constructive ones instead. By cross-referencing the Tarot Table with the Words Table, these important cards begin to speak. (Their words become empowered + uplifting; we expand.)
Here are just a few examples from the past few days of pulling cards with Lara. Each of the examples turns traditional descriptions on their heads. And each of these examples served us well.
NOTE: The (disempowered) keynotes you will see below originate from the Thoth deck, which is what we have been using every day.
FIVE OF WANDS (Strife), 31: Ascend, Divine, Figure 8, Flow, Freedom, Genius, Honor, Impel, Secure, Seeing, Sing, Song, Unifying
TEN OF WANDS (Oppression), 36: Allow, Command, Courageous, Devote, Earth, Emerald, Empire, Ether, Giver, Gracious, Grounded, Heart, Husband, Impeccable, Laughing, Light, Musical, Vigor
THREE OF SWORDS (Sorrow), 57: Ancient Magic, Covenant, Divine Love, Empowered, Fearless, Luxurious, Spirit, Stability, Trinity, Uplifting, Visionary
NINE OF SWORDS (Cruelty), 63: Artistic, Cultivated, Exquisite, Intelligence, Light of My Life, Optimism, Pleasant, Simple Beauty, Tranquil
Click below to learn more about the Crystal Self or to access the Frequency Tables any time.