On December 21 of 2024, Lara + I discovered two exciting new frequencies: the Personal Lightyear + the Colossal Abundance Number. Ultimately, these would contribute to the release of an all-new type of Frequency Portal that we have called the ‘Lightyear Ledger’. We only knew that they were special, and we felt excited to explore them in real time.
Both the Personal Lightyear + the Colossal Abundance Number work by weaving your unique expression into the specific aura of the period at-hand. The Personal Lightyear delivers a personalized glimpse at your upcoming year, and the Colossal Abundance Number does the same for each month of that same calendar year.
We were particularly excited to witness how the Colossal Abundance Number might play out since it would be the first we’d get a true embodied taste of in the flow. Needless to say: when January 1st arrived, we met the month with bright, expectant eyes.
We each had our new numbers, and a willingness to see them come to life. And ‘come to life’ they did, in rarest form! We’re proud to share a glimpse of how miraculous this first month of the year has been for us.
My Colossal Abundance Number for January (2025) was 137. This highly specific frequency currently yields a total of 113 unique entries. (Lara’s Number yields 156!) Each of these (delicious) entries offered us a clue as to what this first month of our New Year might hold.
In the coming posts, I plan to share examples of specific entries that played out for us in real-life ways. It is worth noting that, at the beginning of the month, these could only hint at what was coming in the days ahead.
It took living into every one with willingness to meet their many secrets for the promises of each to be exposed. In some real way, awareness of these entries called their essence into being.
And though we had an initial sense that this might be the case, we had no way of knowing just how literal these findings would become.
Join me in my next post for the next part of this story. In the meantime: you deserve a Lightyear Ledger, too! Order yours below + join the fun.