For nearly half-a-decade, Lara worked her magic to uncover correspondences between the tarot sequence + the 64 gates of Human Design. Unfortunately, even the most promising of these exhibited a sense of incompletion: leaving multiple cards void of correspondence altogether - like a sprinkle of alarming little ‘gaps’. The challenge here was obvious: there weren’t enough gates (64) to match the cards (78).
In spite of all the clearly-missing pieces, we made good creative use of what we had. So much so, to be honest, that we set the search to fill those gaps aside. We knew that Life was competent to speak through even the most inconsistent medium so long as ears were open to receive. And ours were wholly opened, so: It spoke.
Lara + I often find a moment in the day to take a rest. We set the phone alarm for 22:22 (minutes : seconds), then totally surrender to the pause. Sometimes, this short period of stillness generates a disproportionately peaceful sleep; other times, a visionary world. In either case, the practice is productive. In every case, it benefits the day.
When we relaxed into our usual positions on the morning of May 27th, though, a thoroughly new miracle emerged for me. Without the slightest hint of any forethought, I began to contemplate the tarot cards. Immediately, sparks began to fly: a flood of new connections spread like constellations in my mind!
I could see the tarot sequence in its common formulation like a scroll. I could see the Angels lining up beside it. One by one, I watched the numbers 1 through 22 of each unite. The Angels + the Major Archetypes aligned! As each confirmed its match, they ‘locked’ in place.
The list of Angels now reset to ‘1’. (This came as a complete surprise to me.) The Angels now extended past the 56 remaining tarot members by 8 cards. The cards (at first) were blank, but clear as day.
The deficit was obviously meaningful, not random. The tarot had new members to reveal.
The story continues in an upcoming post. Stay tuned.