I’ve always found the tarot fascinating. As many of you know, it’s played a major part not only in my personal experience, but in my recent offerings as well. Most notably, the Crystal Self makes use of a creative application of the tarot: one that I’ve enjoyed for many years. Unfortunately, the more excited I became to utilize the tarot, the less impressed I found myself becoming with traditional descriptions of the cards.
The element of fear inherent to so many of the set interpretations grew progressively untenable: repeatedly exposing itself as distinctly incoherent with the underlying truths of life itself. It became increasingly apparent that the tarot in its commonly accepted state was deeply inconsistent with the Truth.
There is no fear in love (to quote the Bible), and my work in Seer Training had developed a sharp nose for false ideas rooted in a tendency toward fear. Life is Good + only Good: there can be no such thing as a ‘bad sign’ or ‘worrisome prediction’ in a system made entirely of Love.
For several years, I sought alternative descriptions that more closely represented Deeper Truth, but found option after (well-intended) option sorely lacking, and eventually chose to craft aligned interpretations for myself.
While this effort proved invaluable to me, the deck itself continued to feel oddly inconsistent: I could not avoid the subtle sense that possibly the deck was incomplete.
What if the current tarot was prepared for transformation? What if it had been pointing us to something more empowered all along?
Enter: the 64 Angels. Never in a million years could I have guessed what these important Allies would reveal. At no point did it cross my mind that possibly the Angels could escort us to a Liberated Tarot. Who could have even thought the Angels + the Tarot would connect?
And yet, one ‘ordinary’ morning back in May (of 2024), the magic happened: a new Liberated Tarot was revealed.
The story continues in an upcoming post. Stay tuned.