It’s time to offer yet another update. In just a few short weeks, so much has changed! Every day that passes here is packed with inspiration + new life. This is the major benefit of meeting every moment as the fresh beginning that it truly is: you’re constantly encountering surprise!
The following announcements are just some of the most prominent examples of how practicing the principles we ‘preach’ has looked for Lara + myself in recent weeks. These are direct results of making conscious use of everything we’ve come to know + constantly apply.
The world is very bright when we permit it to become so. Here’s a brief accounting of what it has been producing recently, through us.
After thoroughly releasing my connection to I’Ching, Human Design, and even Gene Keys, the foundation of all three returned en force. Spontaneously, these important codes erupted on a whole new octave of expression that replaces prior disempowered views. The Angels represent the best of what our lives wish to express. Each of us has access to them all. And every Angel answers when you call.
The entire tarot sequence has evolved to represent a higher truth. Every disempowered card has been replaced; every ‘scary reading’ scrubbed completely clean. Many of the Major Archetypes have outgrown prior meanings, and have even introduced their proper names. The Minor Arcana has been elevated, too: introducing three new cards per suit!
For the first time ever - thanks to the new tarot sequence recently revealed - the 64-codon structure of the DNA can be directly mapped onto the tarot sequence! The Crystalline Codex correlates The Elevated Tarot to both Frequencies + Angels to produce a symbiotic web of interactions unlike any we have ever seen before.
Totally empowered messages delivered in a gorgeous, bite-sized format every day. Screen-capture to save them to your phone + use as wallpaper! Watch my stories daily to enjoy FREE access to each potent drop.
More info on each of these is coming soon. Watch my stories on IG for the latest news!