On April 29th, I celebrated turning 36 years old. And while I’ve never cared so much about my age (because I’ve never felt my age at all), this year was very different in all ways. For one thing, I am married now - which is a major first (as you all know). I’ve also learned to savor more + criticize far less, which has helped me to celebrate so many of the very things I actively ignored in prior years.
The world I occupy is different than it’s ever been before. It’s brighter + more magical: more fun! I like to give my wife the credit for this, but of course it’s been an inside job as well. The truth is, I’ve been practicing for years: illuminating ‘ordinary’ moments with a clearer sense of what a gift life is.
The difference now is that so much of what I once kept to myself has been made public. (This part is absolutely Lara’s ‘fault.’) I’m learning to throw open all the little doors + windows of my life. I’m learning how to share what matters most.
Lara filled my days with beautiful surprises all month long. On the day of, her surprise was an excursion to a gorgeous waterfall! During our time in the woods, we talked excitedly about the number 36 + all that it had come to mean to me.
This led us to discover the Bloom Number: an empowered take on ‘age’ based on our work with Words + Numbers that invites a larger sense-of-self each year.
Because of my Bloom Number, I feel totally inspired by exactly who I am - and also by who I get to become.
36 is the frequency of Husband. I get to embody that word now. Other matches I’ve enjoyed are: Author, Giver, Gracious, Grounded, Heart. ‘Impeccable’ + ‘Light’ are matches, too
‘Calling’ is a match to 36, and also: Force Field. This is who I am (and choose to be): A Force Field of Enrichment, Constant Giver; Impeccable, Courageous - Living Light.
So I devote (36) myself to this + more: to drench (36) this hungry (36) earth (36) in Emerald (36) Heart (36) Light (36); to activate The Beacon (36) that I am.