These past few weeks have been a whirlwind of creative exploration + pure fun. This flush of inspiration is the definite result of a significant decision Lara + I made together back in March: we simply (and explicitly) decided to prioritize the voice of genuine excitement in our daily life.
The awareness we have come to is so elegant, surprising, and direct. Are you ready for it? Here it is: Whatever we most thoroughly enjoy will absolutely always serve us best.
That’s it. Just that. And nothing more.
This pint-sized pearl of wisdom has produced atomic impact in our world: transforming how we think about ourselves + move through life. Following the breadcrumbs of our innocent excitement has uncovered possibilities we never would have met by other means.
We’re constantly surprised by what we find! Explosive quantities of energy have been liberated, too: expressive + creative energy, productive flow. It’s fair to say that more becomes available each day.
On top of that: whatever subject this creative movement may connect to, we have fun! Below, we offer just the briefest glimpse into how this has looked for us in recent days.
We hope it will inspire you to claim the same idea for yourselves.
We launch the Frequency Tables; populate the Words Table with over 5000 totally empowered words + phrases, conscious declarations + commands; and offer it completely free of charge for public use.
We discover frequencies we never knew existed until now, including: Signature Frequencies, the Bloom Number, the Soulmate Number, the Solar Return Frequency, and Creator Declarations.
I finally eliminate analysis-based services completely, update the Home Page presentation, and establish a portfolio of exclusively original experiences for the first time ever in my life.
We offer Signature Frequency Pages at a massively discounted rate + proceed to process over 40 custom, made-from-scratch new orders in one week.
After years of keeping the exchanges quiet, I agree to share my private Conversations with the Stones.
We decide to open doors for Crystal Self Wave 4, launching in June!
We get a new car! A Volvo XC40 in Sage Green.
So what is it that enjoy the most? Will you permit it?